Welcome to Connecting in Spirit, an opportunity to have connection
with knowing what’s true for you;
building trust with your own natural sensing abilities,
learning why they are valuable,
 and what gifts they are actually here to offer you.

Let’s be honest, this is how animals, trees, plants and birds have evolved over time.
This is not a new ideology, it’s very natural.

What we do know is that most people do not acknowledge it, speak of it and rarely practice it;
and we, as a society, need to be more aware.

If you knew you could actually trust your first energetic sense- that tiny piece of energetic information that comes up-
and then give yourself full permission to act in accordance with that info;
- even when it makes no sense in the current moment;
- how much and would that have changed a lot of things for you?
How much faster could you complete your list of things to do and have more time for what you truly enjoy?

Or maybe you’re looking for a better understanding of the level of overwhelm, tiredness, lack of energy or confusion you are currently experiencing-
this too is related to how much you are actually aware of energetically that you didn’t even know was possible.

So, let’s just get started.

If you’d like to have more clarity on the ways the list below are here to contribute more to your life and living, make an appointment today.

-Clairvoyant (clear seeing)
-Clairsentient (clear physical feeling)
-Clairaudient (clear hearing)
-Clair empathic (clear emotion)
-Claircognizant (clear knowing)
-Clair intellect (clear thinking)
-Clair tangency (clear touching)
-Clair salience (clear smelling)
-Clairgustance (clear tasting)

Connection appointments are available by distance -telephone or in person.